[ump-visitor ] Can you help us? Here at Darker Side of Music, we aim to bring Artists to more people giving them as much exposure as possible. We also are independent and are in no way supported by any Label. Artists today have struggled to keep their art going forContinue Reading

Thanks to Natalia the Alternative/Gothic Model from Spain. Please show her some love by liking her Instagram @natti_darkness. All photographs are Natalias and reproduced here with her kind permission. [ump-visitor ] Can you help us? Here at Darker Side of Music, our aim is to bring Artists to more peopleContinue Reading

[ump-visitor ] Can you help us? Here at Darker Side of Music our aim is to bring Artists to more people giving them as much exposure as we can. We also are independent and are in no way supported by any Label. Artists today and have been for a longContinue Reading

DJ Sister Pain

Meow, is the favorite word by choice for DJ Sister Pain, born in Bolivia, and currently studying Film Making. Her passion for the Arts goes before her first stepsContinue Reading