Meow, is the favorite word by choice for DJ Sister Pain, born in Bolivia, and currently studying Film Making. Her passion for the Arts goes before her first steps. Her dad and uncle always shared their music passion with her, and as usual, rock n’ roll were the first bangers for Vanessa aka DJ Sister Pain; learning to walk with Pink Floyd, The Beatles and Led Zeppelin in the background on her father’s radio. Vanessa has had a strong inclination towards music since then – learning to drive with David Bowie in the car, and falling off the bed and breaking her rib at the year of 5, jumping around to Twisted Sister`s We are not gonna take it. Later at her 16’s she worked on a Radio Station, and her paycheck were Movie and Concerts tickets, and also infinite amounts of Coca Cola that she end up hating it afterwards.
DJ Sister Pain watched her dad doing mixtapes as kid, and then taught herself to “mix” on the CD player. She started collecting all kinds of musical artists as she found her way onto the Internet, but finally stopped on the movie “The Crow”, having found a path in music and culture that she loves so much. Nine Inch Nails led her retrospectively to Joy Division and The Cure as two of her favorite bands of all time. The aesthetic and darkness of The Crow had impressed her so much that she found herself at the foot of Eric Draven as an incurable romantic with dry sense of humor. Vanessa has been DJing in clubs and at concerts in her country since 2015. On top of that, due to the COVID situation, and because of her need to dance and share her love of music, she has been pouring her energy through the computer screen and has been streaming on Twitch for over a year. Twitch has given her the opportunity to create a wide-spread community that follows her in her meows and jokes … an opportunity to share her passion for music (and cats) around the world.
DJ Sister Pain