– Trail of Time

Label: Independent

Released: 6 May 2022

crooniek – trail of time
very different in a good way
It is very different in a good way; it is Crooniek. I was new to this style, and I will admit that when I heard the first track, I needed to check that I had not put the wrong music on. This is purely different.

So I had not made a mistake. This is what I was asked to listen to. So I did as I always did and listened thoroughly through (several times) as I do not feel it is fair to listen only once and make any judgements.

From the instrumentals to the innocent-sounding female vocals to the dark vocals on the track “G_B”, it is such a clever combining of musical styles.

How you come up with combining brass with dark goth sounds, I have no idea how that would cross anyone’s thoughts. I do not know, but Croontiek has managed it perfectly.

It makes for an exciting sound. The sax, during some tracks, gives an 80’s Hazel Oconner touch, but this always works.

A very unusual album with a unique combination of music genres.

Do give it a listen and open your ears to something new.


Darkwave/'Neo-Fanfare" Band, Crooniek has just unveiled their new full-length release, Trail Of Time. Thematically, this album reflects on the concept of time. In particular, the inspiration for Trail Of Time is the conflict between the known past and the unwritten future. The future remains hidden, and we do not yet know it. But we do know the history.

This album is a nostalgic journey through the past of driving force Gerry Croon, his musical projects ('Parade of the 'Funeral Fanfare') and his relationship with his birthplace Kampenhout, a small village in Belgium known for his chicory cultivation.

After all, at a certain age, you realise that time is running out and, without realising it, you ask yourself, "did I do it right ?" "Could I do better, or would I do it differently now?" You realise that you have lost friends & acquaintances along the way because your life path is going in a different direction

Although this continues to gnaw, you have to accept this.  While time seemed to move slowly in the past, humanity now appears to be driving the world into destruction in an express train.

Several partnerships and new inspiration have resulted in the album Trail Of Time. It contains brand new songs together with new versions of older material.  Neo-classical and neo-fanfare styles are combined with a whiff of gothic/ambient. 

Darkwave/'Neo-Fanfare" Band, Crooniek hat gerade ihre neue Veröffentlichung in voller Länge, Trail Of Time, vorgestellt. Thematisch reflektiert dieses Album das Konzept der Zeit. Insbesondere die Inspiration für Trail Of Time ist der Konflikt zwischen der bekannten Vergangenheit und der ungeschriebenen Zukunft. Die Zukunft bleibt verborgen, und wir wissen es noch nicht. Aber wir kennen die Geschichte.

Dieses Album ist eine nostalgische Reise durch die Vergangenheit der treibenden Kraft Gerry Croon, seine musikalischen Projekte ("Parade of the 'Funeral Fanfare") und seine Beziehung zu seinem Geburtsort Kampenhout, einem kleinen Dorf in Belgien, das für seinen Zichorienanbau bekannt ist.

Schließlich erkennen Sie in einem bestimmten Alter, dass die Zeit abläuft, und ohne es zu merken, fragen Sie sich: "Habe ich es richtig gemacht?" "Könnte ich es besser machen, oder würde ich es jetzt anders machen?" Sie erkennen, dass Sie auf dem Weg Freunde und Bekannte verloren haben, weil Ihr Lebensweg in eine andere Richtung geht

Obwohl dies weiterhin nagt, müssen Sie dies akzeptieren. Während sich die Zeit in der Vergangenheit langsam zu bewegen schien, scheint die Menschheit jetzt die Welt in einem Schnellzug in die Zerstörung zu treiben.

Mehrere Partnerschaften und neue Inspirationen haben zum Album Trail Of Time geführt. Es enthält brandneue Songs zusammen mit neuen Versionen von älterem Material. Neoklassizistische und neofanfarenstile werden mit einem Hauch von Gothic/ambient kombiniert.

Trail Of Time is available on CD and digital formats NOW!

Link Below to Bandcamp (Band Links)

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