Vexillary – Full Frontal Lunacy (album) – Review

Label: con:trace Released: 31/10/2021 What do you get when you mix a long winter with a pandemic of a lifetime and a bunch of synths lying around? The cabin fever stemming from an endless lockdown and the resulting mental demise? According to Vexillary, the perfect backdrop for a sonic self-portraitContinue Reading

FleischKrieg – Herzblut

Independent Release: 5 November 2021  Industrial band FLEISHKRIEG has just unleashed their highly-anticipated new full-length album, Herzblut. “Herzblut” translates to “Heart’s Blood” in German – a metaphor used to describe the total effort and sacrifice a person makes towards their life’s work. The album’s songs reflect different stages of thisContinue Reading

THE JOKE JAY – New Single & Album

Release: 29 October 2021 It took 5 years to bring this monster into that world. Now here it is!Hear it, Feel it, Love itThis is the beginning! THE JOKE JAY THE JOKE JAY set their own standards, leaving existing conventions behind, with a clear goal in mind.  No compromises, no apologies! TheContinue Reading