Out Of Line Music
Release: 14 October 2021
Betraying The Martyrs comment about the signing to Out Of Line Music:
“It was such a welcomed change for us! OOL is a German label, and Germany has always been kind of our second home country as we toured so much over there. We connected instantly with André, he is a day-one fan of our band, and he instantly understood what we wanted and needed to do to push our band further. We really feel loved and supported, and it is such a good feeling to be working with a new dedicated team! We’re very proud to be a part of this new family, and we cannot wait to create bonds with the label’s new artists as well! <3 “
About the band’s philosophy and how Rui contributes to the musical work of Betraying The Martyrs, the band makes clear: “We DEFINITELY upgraded to BTM 2.0! Of course it’s still BTM, but totally an upgraded version of our band! Most of us are pretty perfectionists about our own art, and we would have never allowed a downgrade! We’re super stoked and excited to have people’s opinion and reactions about this new track, we’re well aware that changing the frontman can be a little tricky sometimes (even if bands like Northlane, Chelsea Grin, and Lorna Shore showed us that it could be very successful!) but we’re very confident Rui’s the perfect fit, and we hope people will welcome our new recruit with open arms and show him the support he deserves! Rui’s abilities will definitely take things to a whole new level, as he has a great approach for both the heavy side and the more melodic part of our songwriting.”
“Rui knows perfectly what BTM was and also is now in 2021. He helped so much to make this new version of BTM the best it can be. He has a great vision of what BTM fans expect and also where we want to go. Rui is bringing a lot of great ideas for his vocals, lyric-wise, melody-wise…and his vocal range is incredible: he can go from super heavy guttural screams to high pitched beautiful clean vocals; it’s a real pleasure to be able to work with someone so talented, and we’re definitely planning on using his range to the maximum of its potential to serve BTM’s upcoming music!”/y
BETRAYING THE MARTYRS – Black Hole (single/video) BETRAYING THE MARTYRS – Black Hole (single/video) BETRAYING THE MARTYRS – Black Hole (single/video)