– Neon Night Fright

Label: Independent

Released: 9 December 2022

VVMPYRE – Neon Night Fright
thrilling array of rock, symphonic, and dance styles
“Neon Night Fright”, VVMPYRE’s electrifying new horror-themed album, captivates listeners with its diverse range of vocalists, upping the ante on every track.

From Corlyx’s Caitlin Stokes to EVA X and Upon Her Eyes, this ear-catching compilation tantalises fans with a thrilling array of rock, symphonic, and dance styles.

A personal favourite of mine is “Your Last Kiss” with vocals from Maverick. An adrenaline-fuelled track.

Not to be outdone by its impressive vocal contributions, Neon Night Fright enthrals with its signature synthetics, electronic synth tones and rock melodies.

An artistic masterpiece is sure to linger in your mind and ignite your passions.


VVMPYRE begins 2023 having just released their new full-length LP, Neon Night Fright after a series of well-received singles. This long-awaited debut album brings together VVMPYRE’s love for horror with gothic guitars and dance beats.
VVMPYRE’s artistic journey has always been heavily influenced by horror. Many of the tracks like “He Will Always Be”, “Neon Night Fright”, “Surrender”, and “Freedom of Death'' focus on themes of the vampyrism that appears in classic horror films that inspire VVMPYRE; The Vampire Lovers and Horror of Dracula for example.

The call of the vampire waiting to take another victim’s blood while shrouded in love and lust is the common underlying theme to many of these tracks, and even makes more subtle tracks like “Alone in the Woods” much darker.

However, tracks like “Offering” and the opener, “Black Cube” tap into the "cult horror" of this same era calling to films like The Omen, The Mephisto Waltz, and Suspiria in their lyrics as well as in the heavy strings and organs that aspire to the scores of composer Jerry Goldsmith. The combination of these influences make for a bloodthirsty collection of tracks with a haunting atmosphere throughout.

However, VVMPYRE is not afraid to diversify these sounds while keeping the core intact. The band takes a more EBM influence in “Black Cube”, “Atrocity” and “Surrender” bringing in heavy guitars with massive solos; a contrast to “He Will Always Be” which brings in more ethereal synths and guitars.

Neon Night Fright is available on all major digital platforms including Bandcamp.

VVMPYRE beginnt 2023 mit der Veröffentlichung ihrer neuen LP Neon Night Fright nach einer Reihe gut aufgenommener Singles. Dieses lang erwartete Debütalbum vereint VVMPYREs Liebe zum Horror mit Gothic-Gitarren und Tanzbeats.

Die künstlerische Reise von VVMPYRE war schon immer stark vom Horror beeinflusst. Viele der Tracks wie "He Will Always Be", "Neon Night Fright", "Surrender" und "Freedom of Death" konzentrieren sich auf Themen des Vampirismus, der in klassischen Horrorfilmen erscheint, die VVMPYRE inspirieren; The Vampire Lovers und Horror of Dracula zum Beispiel.

Der Ruf des Vampirs, der darauf wartet, das Blut eines anderen Opfers zu nehmen, während er in Liebe und Lust gehüllt ist, ist das gemeinsame zugrunde liegende Thema vieler dieser Tracks und macht sogar subtilere Tracks wie "Alone in the Woods" viel dunkler.

Tracks wie "Offering" und der Opener "Black Cube" erschließen jedoch den "Kulthorror" derselben Ära, der Filme wie The Omen, The Mephisto Waltz und Suspiria in ihren Texten sowie in den schweren Streichern und Orgeln, die nach den Partituren des Komponisten Jerry Goldsmith streben, aufrufen. Die Kombination dieser Einflüsse sorgt für eine blutrünstige Sammlung von Tracks mit einer eindringlichen Atmosphäre.

VVMPYRE scheut sich jedoch nicht, diese Geräusche zu diversifizieren und gleichzeitig den Kern intakt zu halten. Die Band nimmt einen stärkeren EBM-Einfluss in "Black Cube", "Atrocity" und "Surrender" und bringt schwere Gitarren mit massiven Soli ein; ein Kontrast zu "He Will Always Be", der ätherischere Synthesizer und Gitarren einbringt.

Neon Night Fright ist auf allen wichtigen digitalen Plattformen verfügbar, einschließlich Bandcamp.

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