Label: Out of Line Music

Released: 14 April 2022


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Now for fans of EBM/Industrial and Aggrotech this album from HOCICO is a must. It starts as it means to go on loud (very very loud) and full of the aggressive vocals and drum beats that we want and expect. HOCICO do not disappoint pulling out all stops to make this album so thumping.

For those of us who love our music loud this is a dream come true. The duo from Mexico really no there stuff when it comes to ground shaking, earth shaking music. It is a perfect blend of melody combined with brilliant lyrics and aggressive vocals.

The lyrics are as always very strong and say exactly what they mean.

Overall from start to finish this is an awesome album that does not fail in any track they all stand on their own merit.

HOCICO – Hyperviolent is an awesome album that aims high and hits the bullseye.



HOCICO – new album “HyperViolent” is out via Out Of Line Music! 

Heavy-hitter & Mexican industrial legends Hocico are back with their brand new album “HyperViolent” today!

Less than two years after their last album, legendary Mexican Electro duo Hocico is once again filling the air with their unabashedly sound and strikes hard with their full range of aggression on the band’s brand new album. Latently menacing and rather insidiously rough as in “Broken Empires” or wrapped in a pulsating Dark’n’Bass tune as in the recently released single “Backstabbers” – Hocico doesn’t play shy on any of the 13 tracks of their new long-player. 

This also counts for the previously released bonus track “Weapons of Resistance “ with the guest vocals from ten56. Frontman Aaron Matts! After previous collaborations from Hocico with Lord Of The Lost and Ost+Front, this is another straight banger, that will not only make the Aggrotech heart beat faster. In 2022, heavy-hitter Hocico is still going strong in pushing boundaries and breaking old conventions – or simply said: “hyper hyper”!

HOCICO – neues Albums “HyperViolent” via Out Of Line Music!

Die Electro-Keule kreist wieder! Die mexikanischen Industrial-Legenden Hocico melden sich mit ihrem brandneuen Album “HyperViolent” eindrucksvoll zurück! 

Nicht einmal zwei Jahre nach ihrem letzten Album sind die mexikanischen Höllen-Cousins zurück aus dem Pandemie-Kerker und lassen ihrer Aggression auf dem neuen Opus unverblümt freien Lauf. Latent bedrohlich und eher schleichend rabiat wie bei “Broken Empires“ oder im pulsierenden Dark’n’Bass-Gewand wie bei der zweiten Vorab-Single “Backstabbers“ – Hocico spielen auf den 13 Tracks ihres neuen Longplayers die komplette Aggro-Klaviatur. 

Und das gilt auch für den Bonustrack “Weapons of Resistance” mit den Gastvocals von ten56.-Frontmann Aaron Matts! Nach den vorangegangenen Kollaborationen von Hocico mit Lord Of The Lost und Ost+Front, bedeutet dies ein weiterer Krachmacher-Trip ins Gitarrenlager. Auch 2022 gilt für Hocico also: Knüppel aus dem Sack oder einfach gesagt: “Hyper hyper“!

01. When The Trumpets Of Hate Blow
02. Broken Empires
03. Acts of Aggression
04. Un Sepulcro Sin Cadaver
05. What Are Nightmares Made Of?
06. Hacked Society
07. El Jardin de Las Locuras
08. Backstabbers
09. Lost World
10. Black Reflection
11. N.W.O.
12. Crown of Knives
13. Peccata Mundi

HYPERSIDE EFFECTS (Bonus CD in the Deluxe 2 CD Edition)
01. Weapons of Resistance feat. Aaron Matts
02. Odio Bajo el Alma (Version Mariachi)
03. Black Mirror
04. Dog Eat Dog (Desputes Remix)
05. The Fall

28.04.2022 Batschkapp, Frankfurt
29.04.2022 Musigburg, Aarburg (CH)
30.04.2022 Werk2, Leipzig *sold out

Racso Agroyam (Music)
Erk Aicrag (Lyrics and Vocals)

“Hyperviolent” will be released as a double CD (including bonus CD), vinyl, and cassette. Collectors will straight go for the limited wooden box (only 400 pieces worldwide), which, in addition to the album, includes a ceramic tile with an art print (incl. holder), a clay spice-shaker handmade in Mexico with an individual Mexican design, a bandana, Erk and Racso’s favorite recipes, a bag of chili peppers and a hand-numbered certificate.



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