VK’s Opinion
Ashes Fallen – A Fleeting Melody out of a Fading Dream

All in all a very good Album that will not disappoint those wanting to listen to a goth band that has something different to offer

Ashes Fallen released their latest album “A Fleeting Melody out of a Fading Dream” in June 4 2021. The album features 10 solid tracks that are Gothic but in a style that is more unique to Ashes fallen due to the distinct vocals of James Perry. The rifts and baselines are excellent throughout the album with a couple of stand out tracks that are outstanding.
The first of these in my opinion is Track 6. Just Let Go it has a definite catchiness that I am sure at any live performance will get people dancing along with it. There are some definite influences to be heard but when combined with the vocals make it very distinctly Ashes Fallen and that is a good thing with so many bands not quite finding their own sound.
The second is Track 7. Vampire – The Ballad of Maila now this track in itself makes the album worth the small investment as it really is a fantastic song. Paying tribute to the Maila Niemi the actress in the 5o’s famous for her role as Vampira. This song really is a fitting tribute. By the way there is a fantastic video to this song that is also very fitting.
All in all a very good Album that will not disappoint those wanting to listen to a goth band that has something different to offer yet still retaining the goth style.
Mike (VK)
For more information on Ashes Fallen or to buy their latest Album here are the links
Official website: ashesfallenmusic.com
Bandcamp: ashesfallenmusic.bandcamp.com
Facebook: facebook.com/ashesfallenmusic
Instagram: instagram.com/ashesfallenmusic