– The Dead Shall Walk

Release Date: 4 August 2023

Microwaved – The Dead Shall Walk (Remixes)
diverse scope of musical talenT
The newest release from Microwaved, Remixes, is a true testament to the diverse scope of musical talent. From songwriters to vocalists, this album is teeming with extraordinary artistry.

Take Angel Moonshine (Normoria): her captivating voice is masterfully showcased in “Broken Will”, Track 02 of the album. Or Kim (Bow Ever Down) who lends an unmistakable presence to “Church” and “The Thrill” on Tracks 04 and 10 respectively. Chaos Doll brings a unique yet wicked flavour to Track 07: “SCABS”. And Thunder S Hawk’s talking rap performance on “Swamp” (Track 08) is synced perfectly with its mesmerizing symphony accompaniment.

In addition to these iconic contributions, each guest artist has been chosen to highlight the beautiful complexities of the tracks they appear in. No one is overlooked or forgotten!

No music fan should miss their chance to experience the sheer brilliance of Remixes.

Allow your ears to feast upon this sumptuous collection of versatile voices, varied tempos, and exquisite composition!

