Sever the Servants
Get in the Grave (single)

Released: 6 May 2022


Sever the Servants – Get in the Grave
Sever the Servants – Get in the Grave
Hauntingly Brilliant
The new single out 6 May 2022 by Sever the Servants called “Get in the Grave” is so good. It is a dark and I mean dark track with such incredible vocals that send shivers down your spine as they are pure evil.

The music itself is so mesmerising it drags you in to the underworld of fear.

If you are a fan of the band or a fan of bands such as Alien Sex fiend then this is a must.

Terrifyingly Brilliant

Terrifyingly Brilliant


From the creative mind of Norwegian magician Hide Tepes (Carrion, MissFit Toys) and the rich voice of Michigan’s Mike Nolen (Hitchcock Guillotine, Long After Midnight) comes the dark new sonic force of Sever the Servants to dominate the dance floors of this new era of dark music.

Over the past year Hide Tep es has been prolific across multiple mediums. Be it writing, recording and releasing the album Evangelium Resonance with the band Carrion, or writing for online review site Sounds and Shadows, Hide is never far from the pulse of the dark music community. Vocalist Mike Nolen has been just as busy writing, recording, and producing for various projects including his own solo project Hitchcock Guillotine and the band Long After Midnight, amongst others. Keep your eyes out for more of Mike’s work in the future.

Bridging the Atlantic, the connection between this duo of musical dynamos of Mike in Detroit and Hide in Norway, serves up the best of both worlds.

Sever the Servants is currently working on their first full length release due out later this year.

Aus dem kreativen Geist des norwegischen Magiers Hide Tepes (Carrion, MissFit Toys) und der reichen Stimme von Michigans Mike Nolen (Hitchcock Guillotine, Long After Midnight) kommt die dunkle neue Klangkraft von Sever the Servants, um die Tanzflächen dieser neuen Ära der dunklen Musik zu dominieren.

Im vergangenen Jahr war Hide Tep es in mehreren Medien produktiv. Sei es das Schreiben, Aufnehmen und Veröffentlichen des Albums Evangelium Resonance mit der Band Carrion oder das Schreiben für die Online-Rezensionsseite Sounds and Shadows, Hide ist nie weit vom Puls der dunklen Musikgemeinschaft entfernt. Sänger Mike Nolen war genauso damit beschäftigt, für verschiedene Projekte zu schreiben, aufzunehmen und zu produzieren, darunter sein eigenes Soloprojekt Hitchcock Guillotine und die Band Long After Midnight. Halten Sie Ausschau nach mehr von Mikes Arbeit in der Zukunft.

Bridging the Atlantic, die Verbindung zwischen diesem Duo musikalischer Dynamos von Mike in Detroit und Hide in Norwegen, dient dem Besten aus beiden Welten.

Sever the Servants arbeitet derzeit an ihrer ersten Veröffentlichung in voller Länge, die später in diesem Jahr erscheinen soll.




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