Alien Creation
– Red Pill (single)
Released: 14 April 2023
Alien Creation returns after hibernation and consolidation with their previously unreleased track, "Red Pill". Taken from a well-known phrase in The Matrix movies. "Red Pill" confronts the modern world and our inability to see an apparent scam in our internet-obsessed, neon-lit, high-tech society.
Lyrics in the song address the one mantra we should say to ourselves in the mirror every morning; there is a ‘scam in just about everything’, and no matter what happens in the world, someone somewhere is making money from the misery of others. “Wise Up, Sucker!” Take the Red Pill and see the scam in everything.
"Red Pill" is a catchy tune enveloped in textured synthesised layers of hard-hitting sound carefully crafted to deliver an incredibly infectious dance track. The song probes deeply into the senses with the power of the bass drum and catchy lyrics, the driving force behind Alien Creation’s unique sound.
Alien Creation kehrt nach dem Winterschlaf und der Konsolidierung mit ihrem zuvor unveröffentlichten Track "Red Pill" zurück. Entnommen aus einem bekannten Satz in The Matrix-Filmen. "Red Pill" konfrontiert die moderne Welt und unsere Unfähigkeit, einen offensichtlichen Betrug in unserer internetbesessenen, neonbeleuchteten High-Tech-Gesellschaft zu sehen.
Die Texte im Lied sprechen das eine Mantra an, das wir uns jeden Morgen im Spiegel sagen sollten; es gibt einen "Betrug in so gut wie allem", und egal, was in der Welt passiert, jemand irgendwo verdient Geld aus dem Elend anderer. "Wise Up, Trottel!" Nehmen Sie die rote Pille und sehen Sie den Betrug in allem.
"Red Pill" ist eine eingängige Melodie, die von strukturierten synthetisierten Schichten von knallharten Klang umhüllt ist, die sorgfältig hergestellt wurden, um einen unglaublich ansteckenden Tanztrack zu liefern. Der Song erforscht tief in die Sinne mit der Kraft der Basstrommel und eingängigen Texten, der treibenden Kraft hinter dem einzigartigen Sound von Alien Creation.
The idea of Alien Creation came about after years of tinkering in the music Lab. In 2018 after playing a few demos to fellow musicians, Chris Clark was heavily encouraged to release tracks and perform live. Having been on the goth/dark/alternative scene in London for many years playing drums for various bands, it was time to get his own material out there!
In 2019 Chris Clark recorded an album and released his first E.P. in 2020, Unique Lab Accidents. A few gigs followed at venues around London and festivals in the south of England, finishing with an album launch party shortly before covid and lockdown put a stop to everything. As most musicians struggled to keep active, Alien Creation recorded and released another E.P. Lust Locked Down which included several remixes in 2021. Since then, Chris got back out playing drums and touring again with ‘The Nosferatu’, ‘She’s in Bauhaus’ and ‘The Teenage werewolves’ as Alien Creation went into hibernation and consolidation.
With an album You’ve Been Probed and other tracks that never really got a proper release because of the pandemic, Alien Creation is set to launch its campaign with releasing previously unreleased material and an entire new album that is already recorded.
Based in London, Alien Creation arises from its hibernation in 2023, not sleeping but dreaming up new musical shapes to tantalize your aural senses. Unlike other aliens this one will burst your eardrums with thumping powerful bass lines, waves of electronic sonic beauty, punchy dance beats and ethereal, yet savvy vocals that ‘keep it real’ in a synthetic musical realm.
Alien Creation’s songs will leave you with instant musical shapes that penetrate the senses and leave you wanting more. Think IAMX meets The Prodigy mixed with a dash of Combichrist and Orgy, with a dreamier sounding vocal style and this will give you a taste of the tantalizing sound of Alien Creation. Further releases and live shows to be announced!
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