Out of Line Music

Release: 1 October 2021

Massive Ego return with new single and music video “You Will Comply”!

After a long period of forced isolation, distanced from a pandemic weary society, starved of any interaction with their fellow earthlings with the first single of their upcoming EP, reflecting on where we are now as a species. This is our reality. This is The New Normal.

Although as eclectic as usual, these new songs by Massive Ego play to the bands’ strengths, making the first album Beautiful Suicide such a fan favourite. A return to form perhaps, characterised by catchy synth-pop melodies, but with a sprinkle of darker 80’s sounds and more solid musicality. Massive Ego might just have teased an exciting new future, not afraid of change, with an eye on the past but with a most definitely forward-thinking mind.

Marc Massive (singer) comments about the contemporary sounding opening song and first single, “You Will Comply,” an ode to the pandemic generation and the current reality the world finds itself in, as follows: 

The songs are an observation on how we have very little say in our destiny or freedoms at the moment, and before the lynch mobs come for us and we’re accused of being tin-foil hat wearers, the song is not an anti-vaccine statement. We’re at the mercy of our governments. Unable to travel without our DNA/medical details being inputted into an app, we might as well be implanted with microchips. With the rights of protest being lawfully removed, undemocratic and rigged voting in favour of the elite and the UK coming out of the EU it feels like we’re under the thumb now more than ever and this is what “You Will Comply” is about.

The pandemic made us look at ourselves with an introspective eye, and as a band, assess what had gone before, what wasn’t working, what could work better, where we want to go next, and what we want to achieve in this new world. We return with a new line-up, sound, logo and outlook.

-Marc Massive (Singer)

We wanted to try a different musical route so we asked Kyle J. Wilson from the band Auger to join us on synth/guitar. We worked well with him on the production of our last album Church for the Malfunctioned and we felt he could bring something new to our sound. However, it quickly became apparent that our previous synth player Scot Collins wasn’t keen on our new musical direction so he left us before started writing new material for the EP

-Oliver Frost (Drummer)

Stream: https://massiveego.lnk.to/YouWillComply
MASSIVE EGO online:  https://www.facebook.com/massiveego

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Aaa-FTulCg&width=1440&height=810&iv_load_policy=3&controls=0[/embedyt]