Metamorph – HEX (album)

Released: 8 March 2024

Metamorph – HEX (album)
pure witchy goth pop
Metamorph have released the new album “HEX” and from the off it is pure witchy goth pop.

Starting off on a high with a very excited track that bounces along in joyful melodies and Margot Days unmistakable vocals. The first track is called “VERIDIA” and it sets the scene for the album.

It is flowed by another happy song that can imagine people doing some crazy dance to in the forest. Its punchy sound and melody runs along perfectly.

“HEX” is the next track and this is a wonderful track and Margot’s vocals on this exceed expectations. The fast paced melody inspires a wonderful day dream.

The album contonues in this fashion of incredible punchy tracks that lead you on a witchy journey that leaves you in a better mood thatn how you may have started off.

This is a extraordinarily good album that should not be overlooked.



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