Luna Del’ Luna
– Luna Del’ Luna

Label: Independent

Released: 9 January 2023

Luna Del’ Luna – Luna Del’ Luna
otherworldly musical journey
The alt-pop forces of Luna del Luna have emerged with their dazzling self-titled EP, a potent blend of darkwave and ’80s influences.

Boasting lavish textures, from blaring synths to stunning drum beats, the EP offers dreamy melodies that sweep through your ears like a warm mist.

Of particular note is the fifth track, “Relent”, which demonstrates just how captivating this style can be with its entrancing yet simple soundscape.

Get ready to embark on an otherworldly musical journey with Luna del Luna!


Darkwave duo, Luna Del Luna recently dropped their debut self-titled EP.

The inspiration behind the release comes from real-life emotional and physical trauma and abuse that haunts the vocalist's mind daily.

Says vocalist Luna, "Every soul deals with their nightmares and scars differently, and mine is through music and writing my thoughts out. Also added were touches of my musical inspirations such as the 80's vibes."

Luna Del Luna is available on all major digital platforms, including Bandcamp NOW.

Das Darkwave-Duo Luna Del Luna hat kürzlich seine selbstbetitelte Debüt-EP fallen gelassen.

Die Inspiration hinter der Veröffentlichung kommt von realen emotionalen und körperlichen Traumata und Misshandlungen, die täglich den Geist des Sängers verfolgen.

Sängerin Luna sagt: "Jede Seele geht anders mit ihren Albträumen und Narben um, und meine ist durch Musik und das Aufschreiben meiner Gedanken. Hinzu kamen auch Berührungen meiner musikalischen Inspirationen wie die Stimmung der 80er Jahre."

Luna Del Luna ist auf allen wichtigen digitalen Plattformen verfügbar, einschließlich Bandcamp NOW.

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