Lucy Kruger and The Lost Boys

Released: 7 April 2023

Lucy Kruger and The Lost Boys – Heaving
I was absolutely blown away by Lucy Kruger and The Lost Boys’ new album, Heaving. Packed with an array of intense emotions, this album takes listeners on an incredible rollercoaster ride of extraordinary songs.

From emotionally-charged gentle tunes to commanding pieces spouting raw power, “Front Row” is a standout track that seamlessly transitions between both sonic styles.

Drawing inspiration from greats such as PJ Harvey, Sonic Youth and the Velvet Underground, the band delivers melodies, vocals and stories to captivate listeners.

What I particularly adore about this album is its remarkable variation and crystal clarity.

Every lyric can be understood, and the range of melodies transport fans through every song.

Heaving is an enjoyable and unexpected surprise, a record I thoroughly recommend.

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