From The Mouths Of Beasts

Label: Hybrid Blak

Released: 12 October 2022

Biomechanimal – From The Mouths Of Beasts
industrial energy on a grand scale
This release will blow anyone’s mind with its raw industrial metal energy on a grand scale.

There is a touch of drum and bass on the side of Pendulum, but that is a great addition that gets the track in power overload. The speed-up sections of the melodies will get you in such a twist with their energy fuelled passion.

Growling vocals add to the intense nature of this track. I expect nothing less from the label Hybrid Blak. Such bands on this label seem to be supplied with rocket fuel.

I feel that if tracks like this do not get your adrenaline rising, you must be dead. It is pure power that is off the scale.

Brilliant music, brilliant style, awesome.


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