The Antoine Poncelet Band
– Virginia Plain/April
(double single)

Released: 20 April 2023

A black and white photo of a group of people in a band.
The Antoine Poncelet Band – Virginia Plain/April (Double single)
an absolute must-listen
The Antoine Poncelet Band has done it again with their newest double single, “April”/”Virginia Plain”. From the attractive vocals of “April” to the power guitar riffs in the cover version of Brian Ferry’s “Virginia Plain”, this release is an absolute must-listen.

The pure vocal clarity and stylistic complexity on “April” are genuinely remarkable, reminiscent of Tenacious D. Meanwhile, the vibrant guitar solos throughout add more to the mix than just a boost of energy – they supplement the drums and give a jolt of life to the song.

As for “Virginia Plain”, The Antoine Poncelet Band does an excellent job paying homage to the classic track by reworking it into something entirely new. The band brings out the best in Ferry’s original vision, and the added guitar riffs give it even more zest and zing.

For those who appreciate good music with a sprinkle of nostalgia, this double single is absolutely worth your time.

With something here for everyone, you won’t be disappointed!


During the global pandemic in 2021, magnetic and introspective former front man of post- punkers Precious Bones, Antoine Poncelet sought out the most talented rock n’ rollers from across New Jersey to form a supergroup under his own banner to breathe new life into the fading forms of music that he grew up listening to. This was music that was mystical and magical, dangerous and dark, and filled with the energy that brings thousands out of homes and into the halls, shouting back anthems of the heart, mind, body, and soul. Joined by Santos Menendez on keyboards and synths, Mark McClemens (Goon Saloon/Porch Rockers) on the bass, Peter Quilla (Vigilante Cowboys) on the guitar, and Eddy Enzyme Salek (The Misfits, Fahrenheit 451, U.S. Chaos) on the drums, The Antoine Poncelet Band has come together to give you back the rock n’ roll dreams you’ve been missing. With song topics ranging from spirituality, the occult, nature, and the human condition, to life in this material world, coupled with the most exciting pounding thunderous hard rock since the 70s and 80s, and one of the most electrifying must-see live shows on the scene, The Antoine Poncelet Band has come for you! By decontextualising and blending their myriad of influences like The Doors, Black Sabbath, Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, The Stones, Bowie and the Spiders, Iggy and the Stooges, Lou and the Velvets, Roxy Music, Bauhaus, The Cure, The Cult, The Sisters, etc.., The Antoine Poncelet Band has created its own gothic and glittery original sound as they stake a place in the great succession of rock n’ roll, joining the greats in the old Tower of Song. With several singles and music videos being readied for release over the next year and local dates filling up, The Antoine Poncelet Band is certainly the band to be on the lookout for The Antoine Poncelet Band has played some of the key establishments of the present day, performing at the Evil Expo convention in King of Prussia, PA, clubs like QXT’s in Newark, NJ, Corgi Spirts in Jersey City, Prototype 237 in Paterson, NJ and Prohibition River in Nyack, NY, and even won second place at a 2021 Battle of the Bands contest in Carteret, NJ. All this cements the band as a must-see.
Während der globalen Pandemie im Jahr 2021, magnetischer und introspektiver ehemaliger Frontmann der Post-Punker Precious Bones, suchte Antoine Poncelet die talentiertesten Rock n’ Roller aus ganz New Jersey, um eine Supergruppe unter seinem eigenen Banner zu bilden, um den verblassenden Formen der Musik, die er aufgewachsen ist, neues Leben einzuhauchen. Dies war Musik, die mystisch und magisch, gefährlich und dunkel war und mit der Energie gefüllt war, die Tausende aus den Häusern und in die Hallen bringt und Hymnen des Herzens, des Geistes, des Körpers und der Seele zurückschreit. Zusammen mit Santos Menendez auf Keyboards und Synths, Mark McClemens (Goon Saloon/Porch Rockers) am Bass, Peter Quilla (Vigilante Cowboys) auf der Gitarre und Eddy Enzyme Salek (The Misfits, Fahrenheit 451, U.S. Chaos) am Schlagzeug, die Antoine Poncelet Band hat sich zusammengefasst, um Ihnen die Rock’n’Roll-Träume zurückzugeben, die Sie vermisst haben. Mit Songthemen, die von Spiritualität, Okkultismus, Natur und menschlichem Zustand bis hin zum Leben in dieser materiellen Welt reichen, gepaart mit dem aufregendsten donnernden Hard Rock seit den 70er und 80er Jahren und einer der elektrisierendsten Live-Shows auf der Szene, ist die Antoine Poncelet Band für Sie gekommen! Durch die Dekontextualisierung und Vermischung ihrer unzähligen von Einflüssen wie The Doors, Black Sabbath, Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, The Stones, Bowie and the Spiders, Iggy and the Stooges, Lou and the Velvets, Roxy Music, Bauhaus, The Cure, The Cult, The Sisters usw. hat die Antoine Poncelet Band ihren eigenen gotischen und gli Mit mehreren Singles und Musikvideos, die im nächsten Jahr für die Veröffentlichung vorbereitet werden, und sich die lokalen Termine füllen, ist die Antoine Poncelet Band sicherlich die Band, nach der man Ausschau halten sollte Die Antoine Poncelet Band hat einige der wichtigsten Einrichtungen der Gegenwart gespielt und auf der Evil Expo Convention in King of Prussia, PA, Clubs wie QXT’s in Newark, NJ, Corgi Spirts in Jersey City, Prototype 237 in Paterson, NJ und Prohibition River in Nyack, NY, aufgetreten und sogar den zweiten Platz bei einem Battle of the Bands-Wettbewerb 2021 in All dies zementiert das Band als ein Muss.

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