Out Of Line Music

Release: 31 October 2021

Suicide Commando do it again with another absolute epic track that will get your heart racing with thumping beats that scream industrial/aggrotech but this time add the horror element too that ensures the listener is on the edge of their seats or behind the sofa. No matter what way you listen it must be loud and credit to the talent that is Johan Von Roy.

The video that also incorporates the lyrics is also a joy to watch if you want to be a little bit freaked the combination of Suicide Commandos terrifying lyrics and a little bit of “The Purge”. A brilliant Halloween Treat.

VK Mike

Like no other Suicide Commando embodies the Hellelektro and deliver the dark club sound for your Halloween festivities!

After the celebration of the 20th anniversary of “Mindstrip Redux” (2020), Johan Van Roy recalls his bloody roots once again with this new single. “trick or treat” also is the very first delicious treat of the upcoming Suicide Commando album! “trick or treat motherf***rs, come and get your candy!”, Johan Van Roy comments about the brand new song and video.

We can guarantee that this song will get you in the mood to celebrate – but be warned: You might not want to listen to this alone!

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIxJsU3NQd8[/embedyt]
