Shrine Of Reflection
– Child Of The World

Label: Independent

Released: 25 November 2022

Shrine Of Reflection – Child Of The World
Wow, wow, this is everything. It is dark, atmospheric and emotional from the very first note.

The vocals are deep and express so much emotion and almost despair, but in a way that portrays the exact motion the band is trying to convey. The synths are brought alive to tell even their feelings and emotions. How is this possible.. who cares Shrine Of Reflection perfects it? When you hear this track, you will be instantly drawn into it.

Although the song is based on a movie, it could easily be the last song you ever hear at the end of the world. It is perfect in every way.

Yes, it is emotional and quite sad, as you can feel it.

One of the most emotional songs I have heard in a long time.


Polish dark rock band, Shrine Of Reflection have recently unveiled their new single, "Child Of The World".

"Child Of The World" is a song inspired by the movie, Interstellar. It's about the misery of a human being who is trapped on planet Earth and who is unable to discover the truth of the universe's nature despite the fact of being its child. All this person can do is just simply stare at the sky and dream.

"Child Of The World" is available on all major streaming platforms, including Bandcamp.

Shrine of Reflection is a Polish music project founded in 2020 by Mikołaj Batyra and Maciej Miroński. The project's name reflects a distant, inner place the individuals can dive into and meet their own demons and muses. The band's sound is inspired by genres such as prog rock, gothic rock, dark folk and ambient. The psychedelic lyrics can unite the listener with this intimate realm.

In the middle of 2022, the duo released its debut album Midnight Garden. In November of 2022, the single, 'Child of the World,' saw the daylight, as a teaser track from the forthcoming album, Through Torture To Salvation.

Die polnische Dark-Rock-Band Shrine Of Reflection hat kürzlich ihre neue Single "Child Of The World" enthüllt.

"Child Of The World" ist ein Lied, das vom Film Interstellar inspiriert wurde. Es geht um das Elend eines Menschen, der auf dem Planeten Erde gefangen ist und der nicht in der Lage ist, die Wahrheit der Natur des Universums zu entdecken, obwohl er sein Kind ist. Alles, was diese Person tun kann, ist einfach in den Himmel zu starren und zu träumen.

"Child Of The World" ist auf allen wichtigen Streaming-Plattformen verfügbar, einschließlich Bandcamp.

Shrine of Reflection ist ein polnisches Musikprojekt, das 2020 von Mikołaj Batyra und Maciej Miroński gegründet wurde. Der Name des Projekts spiegelt einen fernen, inneren Ort wider, in den die Individuen eintauchen und ihre eigenen Dämonen und Musen treffen können. Der Sound der Band ist von Genres wie Prog Rock, Gothic Rock, Dark Folk und Ambient inspiriert. Die psychedelischen Texte können den Zuhörer mit diesem intimen Reich vereinen.

Mitte 2022 veröffentlichte das Duo sein Debütalbum Midnight Garden. Im November 2022 sah die Single "Child of the World" das Tageslicht als Teaser-Track aus dem kommenden Album Through Torture To Salvation.

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