– I Am The Shadow
– I Am The Light

Released: 24 February 2023

NER\OGRIS – I Am The Shadow – I Am The Light
captivating music
Ner\Ogris, a German dark electronic duo, have released their debut album, “Am The Shadow – I Am The Light”.

This captivating music collection perfectly marries deep, dark vocals and crisp electronic beats. An array of melodic electronic sounds bring the tracks to life throughout the record, making it all the more impressive that this is their first release.

One song that stands out above the rest is “Alone”. It is a compelling track that accurately captures the darker emotions. The vocal style echoes Phillip Boa, further bolsters its impact.

This captivating musical creation from Ner\Ogris demonstrates just how much creativity and skill lies within the duo.

“Am The Shadow – I Am The Light” is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable and inviting debut albums out there, and it will be exciting to see what else they can produce in the future.


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