– At The Moondial
(b​/​w The Gothsicles remix)

Label: Brutal Resonance Records 

Released: 14 October 2022

Ex-Hyena – At The Moondial
(b​/​w The Gothsicles remix)
Two versions of this single, one of them being the original and the second being the remix by The Gothsicles.

The first is an eerie tribal dark dance version that is great to listen to. The drum beats are fluid and keep the melody flowing throughout with the unique style of vocals.

The remix has a different pace and bounds, along with varying vocal styles. It is far more upbeat and far less dark. It is very EDM compared to the original.

It is an excellent version on its own, but both complement each other greatly.


“At The Moondial” is the opening track on the new LP for Boston electronic music sculptors Ex-Hyena. The new single release of ‘At the Moondial’ features a shorter radio edit version of the song and a pounding EDM remix of the song from another Boston industrial electro native The Gothsicles. 

Additionally, The Gothsicles remix of ‘At The Moondial’ will be part of the upcoming release 'Moon Reflections Remixed' expected in January 2023.  It includes 15 remixes from bands like BlakLight, Contol I'm Here, Pleasure Policy, The Fair Attempts, Blood Handsome, and more. ‘Moon Reflections Remixed” will feature three unreleased tracks, two of which appear on Darkness Calling's bandcamp-only compilations.

"At The Moondial" ist der Eröffnungstrack auf der neuen LP für die Bostoner Bildhauer Ex-Hyena für elektronische Musik. Die neue Single-Veröffentlichung von "At the Moondial" enthält eine kürzere Radio-Edit-Version des Songs und einen hämmernden EDM-Remix des Songs von einem anderen Bostoner Industrial Electro Native The Gothsicles.

Darüber hinaus wird der Gothsicles-Remix von "At The Moondial" Teil der kommenden Veröffentlichung "Moon Reflections Remixed" sein, die im Januar 2023 erwartet wird. Es enthält 15 Remixe von Bands wie BlakLight, Contol I'm Here, Pleasure Policy, The Fair Attempts, Blood Handsome und mehr. "Moon Reflections Remixed" wird drei unveröffentlichte Tracks enthalten, von denen zwei auf Darkness Callings Bandcamp-Compilations erscheinen.

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