– Monsters (album)

Released: 1 April 2023

A man in a suit with a flower in his mouth, featured on the cover of Elektrikill's Monsters album.
talent on a scale not often heard
Elektrikill – Monsters (album)
I had not heard of Elektrikill, but I will not forget them after hearing their new album “Monsters”.

This is an album that showcases what a great band they are.

The imaginative use of synths, melodies and deep, heavy beats is fantastic for one album.

The vocals are dark and angry but invoke incredible feelings of power.

The variations of artistic talent on this album are astonishing expect so many different variations of style but all perfectly fit with the institutional umbrella.

I have been so lucky to hear so many great albums this year, and this is definitely on my top ten list.

Track 1 – Ravenous is just fast-paced, deep beats and incredible melodies.
Track 7 – Requiem is a complete contrast, starting as an almost rock symphony with powerful drum beats and symphony accompanying it, then bang enters a beautifully crafted melody to die for.

This album is pure music art crafted with love and talent on a scale not often heard.

This is Industrial that has its own life out of the box.


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