FleischKrieg – Herzblut

Independent Release: 5 November 2021  Industrial band FLEISHKRIEG has just unleashed their highly-anticipated new full-length album, Herzblut. “Herzblut” translates to “Heart’s Blood” in German – a metaphor used to describe the total effort and sacrifice a person makes towards their life’s work. The album’s songs reflect different stages of thisContinue Reading

NUDA – Mindful Tragedies

Independant Released October 2020 Gothic/Industrial artist, NUDA has just unveiled her new video for the track, “What Did You Want To Happen?” The track appears on her latest album, Mindful Tragedies.  It deals with the struggle with mental health that NUDAhas had for years. NUDA was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder in 2017. There wereContinue Reading