The Stoner Side of the Doom

Released: 4 April 2023

Hemplifier – The Stoner Side of the Doom
must-have for fans of stoner/doom metal
From the powerful thrashing riffs of “Weedcraft” to the hypnotic melodies of the final track, Hemplifier’s new album ‘The Stoner Side of the Doom’ is a must-have for fans of stoner/doom metal.

With soaring vocals, punchy drums and skillfully crafted guitar solos, this album more than lives up to its genre while being accessible enough to charm listeners who are unfamiliar with it.

Listeners will be captivated as they drift through these tracks, melding into one seamless experience.

The sheer range of emotions packed into this album is staggering. From madly thrashing tunes that put you in a frenzy of excitement to mellow, chill-out vibes that leave you feeling floating and content, Hemplifier covers all bases.

Moreover, each track has its personality, allowing listeners to explore the album and discover their favourite moments.

If you’re looking for your next music fix or outgrowing your usual favourites, then The Stoner Side of the Doom is the perfect escape.

There’s something here to be enjoyed by everyone. Please go on; give it a try!


Hemplifier was born in 2019 when amps and vintage gear worshippers Emanuel Portelli (Thy Legion, Victims of Creation, Pilgrimage, Animamortua), Bażaż (Lady Lizard, R.A.S.) and Dino Mifsud Lepre (Victims of Creation, Pilgrimage) joined up for blazing some joints. These Santa Venera stoners formed Hemplifier having common goals of jamming, getting high, enjoying good times, composing the heaviest riffs possible, and sending seismic waves to the planet while spending aboard their spacecraft.

Hemplifier dropped their first offering, Frequencies From Another Dimension – Live From Our Rehearsal Spacecraft!, in November 2021. This live rehearsal, containing three songs (recorded and filmed live in the trio’s own garage), gave the audiences a strong impression of Hemplifier’s warped, antediluvian sound before their live debut at 2021’s edition of Reeferfest, which is organised by the Hemplifier members themselves and currently the only stoner rock/metal fest on the island of Malta. 

Recorded live at the local Cornerhouse Studio, The Stoner Side of the Doom, Hemplifier’s debut full-length staggers and stumbles through weirdness, wildness, and wonderment. Each of the six distorted tracks (including an intro and an outro) carries amped-up thrills and menaces while disclosing a different set of tales from the crypt. While the openers, “Headless Chicken (intro)” and “Brujo,” are voodoo-themed, “Invocation” and “Weedcraft” touch on the occult, the supernatural, and marijuana, with a hint of science fiction and aliens. The fifth number, “Gort,” embodies the humanoid robot character from the classic 1951 film, The Day the Earth Stood Still.

Hemplifier wurde 2019 geboren, als sich Verstärker und Vintage-Ausrüstungs-Anhänger Emanuel Portelli (Thy Legion, Opfer der Schöpfung, Pilgrimage, Animamortua), Bażaż (Lady Lizard, R.A.S.) und Dino Mifsud Lepre (Opfer der Schöpfung, Pilgrimage) zusammenschlossen, um einige Gelenk Diese Santa Venera Stoner bildeten Hemplifier mit gemeinsamen Zielen, zu jammen, high zu werden, gute Zeiten zu genießen, die schwersten Riffs zu komponieren und seismische Wellen auf den Planeten zu senden, während sie an Bord ihres Raumschiffs verbrachten.

Hemplifier ließ sein erstes Angebot, Frequencies From Another Dimension - Live From Our Rehearsal Spacecraft!, im November 2021 fallen. Diese Live-Probe, die drei Songs enthielt (aufgezeichnet und live in der eigenen Garage des Trios gefilmt), gab dem Publikum einen starken Eindruck von Hemplifiers verzerrten, antediluvian Sound vor ihrem Live-Debüt bei der Ausgabe 2021 des Reeferfest, das von den Hemplifier-Mitgliedern selbst organisiert wird und derzeit das einzige Stoner-Rock/Metal-

Live im örtlichen Cornerhouse Studio, The Stoner Side of the Doom, aufgenommen, taumelt und stolpert Hemplifier durch Verrücktheit, Wildheit und Staunen. Jeder der sechs verzerrten Tracks (einschließlich eines Intros und eines Outro) trägt angetriebenen Nervenkitzel und Bedrohungen, während er eine andere Reihe von Geschichten aus der Krypta offenhält. Während die Opener "Headless Chicken (Intro)" und "Brujo" Voodoo-Themen sind, berühren "Invocation" und "Weedcraft" das Okkulte, das Übernatürliche und Marihuana mit einem Hauch von Science-Fiction und Aliens. Die fünfte Nummer, "Gort", verkörpert den humanoiden Robotercharakter aus dem klassischen Film von 1951, The Day the Earth Stood Still.

Emanuel Portelli – Vox & Guitars
Bażaż – Bass
Dino Mifsud Lepre – Drums; Samples (during live shows)

1. Headless Chicken (intro)
2. Brujo
3. Invocation
4. Gort
5. Weedcraft
6. Snooze… (outro)

Recorded live at the local Cornerhouse Studios in September 2021.
Produced, mixed and mastered by Daniel Bezzina.
Artwork by Bażaż.

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