Rabbit Junk
Apocalypse For Beginners

Label: Independent

Released: 21 October 2022

Rabbit Junk – Apocalypse For Beginners
This is quite an album; Rabbit Junk has created a fusion of rock and punk and is fused incredibly well with the added electronic and drum beats. It is such a great blend mixed with male rock vocals and female punk vocals that entwine perfectly together.

This is the first time I have heard of such a blend, but it works incredibly successfully.

The track “Rabbit Out Of Hiding” is appropriate as it shows the band’s talent. Yes, they are out of hiding and I, for one, am pleased. This fast-paced, slightly pop-infused metal/punk melody shoots to great heights.

Another track called “Bodies” combines rock with an adrenaline-fuelled drum and base beat. This band cross more genres than the chicken crossing the road have jokes.

To sum up, this is a highly refreshing album with much more than just metal.

Rabbit Junk, remember the name, as they can only get better.


 "Future Rock" band, Rabbit Junk has just unleashed their new LP, Apocalypse For Beginners.

Rabbit Junk draws subtle parallels between the challenges facing our species as a whole and the challenges facing our own personal lives. These challenges are characterized as foreseeable and yet tragically unavoidable. As such, the album communicates the fatalism and frustration of modernity alongside the lack of control we often feel over our own lives.

The album’s lead track “Stone Cold" (Feat. Amelia Arsenic) exemplifies Rabbit Junk’s willingness to take risks and defy genre norms. “Stone Cold” is a gender-fluid and genre-mashing anthem with an infectious sing-a-long chorus. The song featuries lyrics in both German and English delivered by masculine and feminine vocal textures floating over a mélange of punk, drum & bass, metal, and hip hop.

Other standout tracks include “Nostromo”, a sci-fi influenced art-metal meets synthwave track which is quickly becoming a fan favorite, and “Love Is Hell”, a decidedly danceable and gritty homage to everyone’s broken hearts.

Apocalypse For Beginners is available NOW on CD via Bandcamp and on all major digital platforms everywhere.

Die "Future Rock"-Band Rabbit Junk hat gerade ihre neue LP Apocalypse For Beginners veröffentlicht.

Rabbit Junk zieht subtile Parallelen zwischen den Herausforderungen, vor denen unsere Spezies als Ganzes steht, und den Herausforderungen, vor denen unser eigenes Privatleben steht. Diese Herausforderungen werden als vorhersehbar und dennoch tragisch unvermeidlich charakterisiert. Als solches vermittelt das Album den Fatalismus und die Frustration der Moderne neben dem Mangel an Kontrolle, den wir oft über unser eigenes Leben empfinden.

Der Leadtrack des Albums "Stone Cold" (Feat. Amelia Arsenic) veranschaulicht die Bereitschaft von Rabbit Junk, Risiken einzugehen und Genrenormen zu trotzen. "Stone Cold" ist eine geschlechtsfluide und genreübergreifende Hymne mit einem ansteckenden Sing-a-long-Chor. Der Song bietet Texte in Deutsch und Englisch, geliefert von maskulinen und femininen Gesangstexturen, die über eine Mischung aus Punk, Drum & Bass, Metal und Hip Hop schweben.

Weitere herausragende Tracks sind "Nostromo", ein Science-Fiction-infizierter Art-Metal-Trethwave-Track, der schnell zu einem Fan-Favoriten wird, und "Love Is Hell", eine ausgesprochen tanzbare und düstere Hommage an die gebrochenen Herzen aller.

Apocalypse For Beginners ist JETZT auf CD über Bandcamp und auf allen wichtigen digitalen Plattformen überall erhältlich.

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