– Blood + Diamonds

Label: Produkt 42

Released: 14 October 2022

carrion – blood + diamonds
There is dark, there is moody, there is dark and gloomy, then there’s the darkest black, and this is Carrion. Carrion has the incredible ability to mix black metal with industrial, goth, and so much more.

The latest EP, “Blood + Diamonds”, is so damn good. Great deep crisp guitar riffs and incredibly fluid melodies combined with some of the darkest black vocals around. The creepy growling and screeching are so brilliant and are a perfect blend.

Lyrics are short, sweet, and make a great point that also fits perfectly with the music—a real treat for the ears.

I love this band. The ability to blend so much so well is fantastic.


Blackened metal guitars meet pulsing synths, thundering drums and modular sound design to birth a new breed of aural alchemy. From Carrions inception as a vehicle to explore and experiment with electro tinged bedroom demos the band led by frontman Hide Tepes has grown and evolved into an experimental unit pulling just as much from black metal as from the early days of industrial. With [ BLOOD + DIAMONDS ] Carrion offers four new songs that seamlessly blends together elements of metal, gloomy soundscapes, industrial and trap. Continously colouring outside the lines and refusing stagnation with each breath Carrion once again steps into new sonic territory.

Geschwärzte Metal-Gitarren treffen auf pulsierende Synthesizer, donnernde Drums und modulares Sounddesign, um eine neue Generation der akustischen Alchemie hervorzubringen. Von der Gründung von Carrions als Vehikel zum Erkunden und Experimentieren mit elektrogefärbten Schlafzimmerdemos ist die Band unter der Leitung von Frontmann Hide Tepes gewachsen und hat sich zu einer experimentellen Einheit entwickelt, die genauso viel aus Black Metal zieht wie aus den frühen Tagen der Industrie. Mit [ BLOOD + DIAMONDS ] bietet Carrion vier neue Songs, die Elemente von Metal, düsteren Klanglandschaften, Industrial und Trap nahtlos miteinander verbinden. Kontinuierliche Färbung außerhalb der Linien und Verweigerung der Stagnation mit jedem Atemzug Carrion betritt erneut neues Klanggebiet.

Written & Recorded by Hide Tepes at Sanctum SanitariumMixed & Mastered by Mike Nolen at Guillotine Studios

Released by Produkt 42

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