Saturn’s Cross
– Cheat Death

Label: Avantgarde Music

Released: 26 August 2022

saturn’s cross – cheat death
wow, what a mix that works so well.
Cocteau Twins
Siozsie and the Banshees
Jesus and Mary Chain

Mix, throw in a little secret blend, and you have Saturn’s Cross.

This blend is fantastic, and this album “Cheat Death” is a perfect example. I have to say, “Wow, what a mix that works so well”.

When a band puts out an album like this, you have to listen through so many times, and you discover something you did not hear on previous listens. It takes you on an enchanting journey through your imagination. It is easy to close your eyes and let this album guide you through your thoughts.

Every track is carefully crafted to bring something new it is a great album.

Just get this album and enjoy every second of it. You will love this fantastic album if you are a fan of any of the above bands in the mix or similar.


Sebastian Montesi is a prolific artist, probably best known for his endeavours in Mitochondrion and as one of Auroch's founding members. With "Saturn’s Cross", the Canadian took a very different path, delving into cold wave territories, which little has to share with the bands he is usually associated with.
With neither hope nor fear, "Saturn’s Cross" unveils Cheat Death.

Now operating as a two-piece, with 1908 entering the fold on bass and vocals, "Cheat Death" disregards genre with wild abandon in favour of something that is overwhelmingly abrasive and, at others, intoxicating.

This is a willing exploration of the endless labyrinth and a lamp of pitch black glass intended to serve as a beacon in the lightless depths of the human spirit. This is a headlong dive into the soul's psychic darkness, with nothing to break the fall. This ushers in a new era Saturn's Cross.

Sebastian Montesi ist ein produktiver Künstler, wahrscheinlich am besten bekannt für seine Bemühungen in Mitochondrion und als eines der Gründungsmitglieder von Auroch. Mit "Saturn's Cross" ging der Kanadier einen ganz anderen Weg und tauchte in Cold-Wave-Territorien ein, die wenig mit den Bands teilen muss, mit denen er normalerweise in Verbindung gebracht wird.

Ohne Hoffnung oder Angst enthüllt "Saturn's Cross" Cheat Death.

"Cheat Death" fungiert jetzt als Zweiteiler, wobei 1908 in die Herde von Bass und Gesang eintrat, ignoriert das Genre mit wilder Hingabe zugunsten von etwas, das überwältigend abrasiv und bei anderen berauschend ist.

Dies ist eine willige Erforschung des endlosen Labyrinths und einer Lampe aus pechschwarzem Glas, die als Leuchtfeuer in den lichtlosen Tiefen des menschlichen Geistes dienen soll. Dies ist ein kopflanger Einblick in die psychische Dunkelheit der Seele, mit nichts, um den Fall zu brechen. Dies läutet eine neue Ära des Saturnkreuzes ein.

1. Fasting from Mercy
2. Hell to Pay
3. Last Night We Said A Great Many Things
4. Cheat Death
5. The Violence
6. The Prostitute’s Son
7. Exit Visas
8. The Past Is Never Dead
9. You Must Honour the Pact
10. Vicious Gods of Night

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