Villain Of The Story
– Divided

Label: Out Of Line Music

Released: 22 July 2022

villain of the story – divided
Incredibly varied
What an exciting band Villain Of The Story is; their style changes throughout the album, giving the listener an excellent varied musical choice.

The styles vary from slow and dark to lively metal, and all are doing exceptionally well. It is almost like every band member has their particular favourite style, and they each have a choice of what is going on in the album.

The melodies and beats are excellent, and the vocals of both singers are perfectly balanced for each song.

My favourites are “Wrong” for its slower melodic dark vocals, and then there is “Under My Skin”, reminiscent of the style that was made famous by Linkin Park.

This is an excellent album worthy of your time as it is varied and well put together with some seriously intriguing mixed talents on show.


Villain of the Story take the next step in their band's career with "Divided" and prove that metalcore in the year 2022 remains by no means a story that has been told yet. On the contrary, the fourth album of the band is a highlight of the genre that entertains fans of both heavy and rocking pop music, especially in terms of its emotionality. 



Villain of the Story macht den nächsten Schritt in der Karriere ihrer Band mit "Divided" und beweist, dass Metalcore im Jahr 2022 keineswegs eine Geschichte bleibt, die noch erzählt wurde. Im Gegenteil, das vierte Album der Band ist ein Highlight des Genres, das Fans von schwerer und rockiger Popmusik unterhält, insbesondere in Bezug auf seine Emotionalität.

Villain of the Story’s music is unique. The band from Minneapolis, Minnesota manages to establish a sound between modern pop music, alternative rock, and heavy metalcore. And it is exactly this contradiction that keeps the tension in the eight-track album and makes it so compelling. There are even progressive elements, which reveal a certain deathcore vibe reminiscent of bands like Veil Of Maya and Born Of Osiris. This aspect is mainly based on the use of electronic elements and synthesizers that do their magic in a cinematic sound design. Besides these soundscapes, djenty and bouncy grooves in the new single “Jester” make this song a mosh pit starter. Yet it’s the vocal performance of both singers that push Villain of the Story’s sound into unique spheres. 

Die Musik von Villain of the Story ist einzigartig. Die Band aus Minneapolis, Minnesota, schafft es, einen Sound zwischen moderner Popmusik, Alternative Rock und Heavy Metalcore zu etablieren. Und genau dieser Widerspruch hält die Spannung im Acht-Track-Album aufrecht und macht es so überzeugend. Es gibt sogar progressive Elemente, die eine gewisse Deathcore-Atmosphäre offenbaren, die an Bands wie Veil Of Maya und Born Of Osiris erinnert. Dieser Aspekt basiert hauptsächlich auf der Verwendung von elektronischen Elementen und Synthesizern, die ihre Magie in einem filmischen Sounddesign entfalten. Neben diesen Klanglandschaften machen djenty und federnde Grooves in der neuen Single "Jester" diesen Song zu einem Mosh Pit Starter. Dennoch ist es die Gesangsleistung beider Sänger, die den Sound von Villain of the Story in einzigartige Sphären treibt.

Villain Of The Story:
Christian Grey - Vocals
Logan Bartholomew - Vocals
Cody Pauly - Guitar
Page Brownie - Bass

Villain Of The Story:
Christian Grey - Gesang
Logan Bartholomew - Gesang
Cody Pauly - Gitarre
Page Brownie - Bass

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