Kill Shelter
– Asylum

Label: Metropolis

Released: 15 July 2022

kill shelter – Asylum
Kill Shelter’s new album “Asylum” is a great album to listen to/, with its brilliantly dark vocals and atmospheric melodies.

The album features many guests giving a significant variation of sound and vocals.  

Each track has superb lyrics that deal with topics around the word Asylum, touching on serious issues affecting people’s lives. This is probably one of the most lyrically hard-hitting albums I have heard. 

Kill Shelter and guests have done an incredible job of creating a brilliant album full of meaning that hits directly on human emotion.


“Asylum” celebrates over 40 years of alternative and underground music and includes inspiring collaborations with Ronny Moorings (Clan of Xymox), Agent Side Grinder, Ash Code, Stefan Netschio (Beborn Beton), William Faith (The Bellwether Syndicate / Faith and the Muse), Valentina Veil (VV & the Void) and Antipole.

All the tracks delve into different interpretations of the word asylum and highlight challenging themes such as human trafficking, domestic abuse, seeking refuge, disillusionment, bedlam and redemption.

The album is available in two versions, with a distinct track listing for each territory: via Metropolis Records in North and South America, and Manic Depression Records in Europe and the rest of the world.

"Asylum" feiert über 40 Jahre alternative und Underground-Musik und beinhaltet inspirierende Kooperationen mit Ronny Moorings (Clan of Xymox), Agent Side Grinder, Ash Code, Stefan Netschio (Beborn Beton), William Faith (The Bellwether Syndicate / Faith and the Muse), Valentina Veil (VV & the Void) und Antipole.

Alle Spuren befassen sich mit verschiedenen Interpretationen des Wortes Asyl und heben herausfordernde Themen wie Menschenhandel, häuslicher Missbrauch, Zufluchtssuche, Desillusionierung, Bedlam und Erlösung hervor.

Das Album ist in zwei Versionen erhältlich, mit einer unterschiedlichen Trackliste für jedes Gebiet: über Metropolis Records in Nord- und Südamerika und Manic Depression Records in Europa und dem Rest der Welt.

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