SINthetik Messiah
– Assassins That Run On Faith
(Assemblage 23)

Label: Independent

Released: 30 June 2022

SINthetik Messiah – Assassins That Run On Faith
Assemblage 23 (remix)
fantastic beat
When you have a great track by a Great Artist, it is remixed by another great band. You end up with this track remixed by Assemblage 23.

What is not to love? Fantastic beat that is completely rocking.

Just bloody fantastic, and it dares you to keep still, but you cannot while playing this. Please put it on loud as possible and let that beat move you.

SINthetik Messiah already had created a tremendous dark track, but for a complete change of pace, the Assemblage 23 remix does not get any better than this.

Add to your collection right away.


Louisiana-based industrial bass artist SINthetik Messiah has unleashed a provocative new single.  "Assassins That Run On Faith" takes aim at violence and abuse in the Vatican.

"For 1,000s of years inside the Vatican a covenant of nuns exist solely to rid the evil of this world. Through sheer violence, this covenant was able to bring the Vatican to its current day power." - Bug Gigabyte

Included in the recording is an authentic recording of Pope Francis apologizing to nuns for abuse.

The release includes a remix by none other than Tom Shear of Assemblage 23.

"Assassins That Run On Faith" is available on all digital platforms including Bandcamp NOW!

Der in Louisiana lebende Industriebasskünstler SINthetik Messiah hat eine provokative neue Single veröffentlicht. "Assassins That Run On Faith" zielt auf Gewalt und Missbrauch im Vatikan ab.

"Seit 1.000 Jahren gibt es im Vatikan nur einen Nonnenbündn, um das Böse von dieser Welt zu befreien. Durch schiere Gewalt konnte dieser Bund den Vatikan an seine heutige Macht bringen." - Bug Gigabyte

In der Aufzeichnung ist eine authentische Aufnahme von Papst Franziskus enthalten, der sich bei Nonnen für Missbrauch entschuldigt.

Die Veröffentlichung enthält einen Remix von niemand anderem als Tom Shear von Assemblage 23.

"Assassins That Run On Faith" ist auf allen digitalen Plattformen verfügbar, einschließlich Bandcamp NOW!GermanG

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